10 Best Plants for Bedrooms and Care Tips

Yellow Dots
Green Leaf Shape
Yellow Leaf
Off-white Section Separator

Snake Plant:

Snake plants thrive in low light conditions and are tolerant of infrequent watering.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator

Peace Lily:

Keep the soil evenly moist but avoid waterlogging. Wipe the leaves regularly to remove dust and promote healthy growth.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator

Spider Plant:

Water them regularly to keep the soil evenly moist but avoid overwatering, as they are prone to root rot.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator

Aloe Vera:

Allow the soil to dry out completely between waterings, as overwatering can lead to root rot.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator


Water them when the top inch of soil feels dry, and allow excess water to drain away. 

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator

English Ivy:

Prune regularly to control its growth and prevent it from becoming too invasive.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator

ZZ Plant:

Water them sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator

Rubber Plant:

Water them when the top inch of soil feels dry, and avoid letting the soil become waterlogged.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator

Bamboo Palm:

Mist the leaves regularly to increase humidity, especially in dry indoor environments.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Off-white Section Separator


Prune the plants regularly to encourage bushier growth and to harvest the fragrant flowers.

Rounded Banner With Dots


Green Leaf
Green Leaf