The 10 Best Plants to Grow in Your Terrarium

Gray Frame Corner

Fittonia (Nerve Plant): Fittonias are compact, low-growing plants with striking foliage patterns. They thrive in the humid environment of a terrarium and prefer indirect light.

Pilea (Chinese Money Plant): Pilea plants have attractive round leaves and are relatively low-maintenance. They prefer indirect light and moderate humidity levels.

Baby Tears: Baby Tears are delicate, cascading plants that add a lush, carpet-like appearance to terrariums. They thrive in high humidity and indirect light.

Peperomia: Peperomias come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, making them versatile choices for terrariums. They prefer indirect light and moderate watering.

Ferns (Various species): Many fern varieties, such as Maidenhair Ferns or Bird's Nest Ferns, thrive in the high humidity of terrariums. 

Air Plants (Tillandsia): Air plants are epiphytes that don't require soil to grow, making them perfect for terrariums.

Miniature Orchids: Certain miniature orchid species, such as Phalaenopsis or Dendrobium, can thrive in terrariums with proper humidity levels and indirect light.

Moss (Various species): Mosses, such as Sheet Moss or Pillow Moss, add a lush, green carpet to terrariums and help retain moisture.

Hoya (Wax Plant): Hoyas are low-maintenance succulents with waxy leaves and clusters of fragrant flowers. They prefer bright, indirect light and infrequent watering.

Jewel Orchids (Ludisia discolor): Jewel Orchids have attractive foliage with intricate patterns and thrive in the high humidity of terrariums.

